Rapid covid testing
Rapid covid testing

Keep your distance - try to stay at least 2 metres away from anyone you do not live with (or anyone not in your support bubble).Wear your face covering in enclosed spaces.Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds.In addition to getting tested, the most important thing we can all do to prevent the spread of the virus is to remember the basics: Lateral Flow Tests – These are for people who are not showing any symptoms (symptom-free testing).

rapid covid testing

PCR Tests – These are for people who have symptoms of the virus (a new persistent cough, high temperature or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste).Redbridge is now offering two types of COVID-19 tests: Testing is the most effective way to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). If a person tests negative, they should continue to follow the national COVID-19 guidelines and maintain infection control measures such as washing their hands, wearing a face mask and keeping a two-metre distance.įrequently Asked Questions What is coronavirus testing and why is it important? If a person tests positive, they will need to self-isolate alongside the rest of their household. The tests are quick and convenient, delivering results in under 30 minutes. Staff at the site will talk carefully through what the test means and what the limitations are. These tests can help identify people with high levels of virus who do not have symptoms.

rapid covid testing

Research shows that one in three people who have coronavirus never show any symptoms, but that does not mean they are not infectious. These tests are one of the new tools being used to help to detect and fight COVID-19.

  • Redbridge Central Library, Ilford, IG1 1BP, available Monday - Saturday.
  • The current site open daily at10.15-4.45pm:

    rapid covid testing

    Residents who need to leave home for work should get tested two times a week at the nearest test centre. The Lateral Flow Device (LFD) testing sites will enable you to do this. These tests help to identify positive cases in this group which would otherwise go unnoticed. Redbridge Council is now offering tests to residents who don't have any COVID-19 symptoms and are unable to work from home.

    Rapid covid testing